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Download direct: https://files.dlink.com.au/products/DWL-2100AP
APManager v2.50
DWL-2100AP FWv2.50 APManager v2.50r19.exe (2.29 MB)Download.

APManager v1.11
DWL-2100AP Manager v1.11 (FW v200eu-r266).exe (1.92 MB)Download.

DWL-2100AP MIB D-View for FW-1.02r32.exe (5.53 MB)Download.

Dview-DWL2100-v250na-rc374.mib (98.86 KB)Download.

WPA Setup Guide for DWL-G650 & DWL-2100AP.pdf (3.01 MB)Download.

How To Set Up Wireless Network Security.pdf (3.17 MB)Download.

DWL-2100AP Screenies FW-2.10eu.pdf (2.46 MB)Download.

DWL-2100AP Screenies FW-1.01eu.pdf (4.25 MB)Download.

DWL-2100AP Screenies FW- 2.20eu r486.pdf (2.52 MB)Download.

DWL-2100AP AP Manager Screenies.pdf (137.58 KB)Download.

DWL-2100AP A4 QIG 1.04.pdf (6.14 MB)Download.

DWL-2100AP A4 Manual 2.5.pdf (4.52 MB)Download.


DWL-2100AP Release Notes

Firmware: v2.50

Problems Resolved:
1.AP can't send standard traps.
2.rogue ap list should not be shown if band is not selected.
3.rogue ap list shows wrong.
4.It can't reset data rate settings
5.The trap status and server ip can not be set.
6.When AP mode is wds with ap, there is a lack of some logs on Syslog.
7.use the wizard to configure the AP ,and set the password empty, then restart AP. the username will be changed from admin to empty
8.Something wrong with the help document
9.There is no image but update success by tftp.
10.Intel WiFi Link 4965AGN can�t connect to AP if authentication is WPA/WPA2 PSK, and vlan state is enabled.

1.Modify GUI "11g only disable/enable" to "Wireless B/G Mode Mixed/11b only/11g only" default value will be "Mixed", support CLI command.
2.Support primary SSID with VLAN tag function.
3.Support administration VLAN(Manage VLAN) , administrate AP with WLAN and management IP range function.
4.Support WMM over WDS function.
5.Support IGMP Snooping (v1/v2) function.
6.Data Rate Control follows Dlink new spec.
7.Support IAPP (fast roaming)
8.Support Secondary RADIUS server setting
9.Enable/Disable ping to AP
10.Support Acct-Interim-Interval attribute for Accounting function,
11.Trap server, settings(categorize the types of traps)
12.AP status on UI
a)CPU and Memory utilization
b)Statistics for Ethernet TX and RX,bytes and packets
13.CLI command to input SNMP Location.
14.Hide the commands, get targetPower/gett controlPower/get swPower ,in CLI
15.Open 3 RSTP commands, rstp getstp/rstp getstate/rstp setstate

Firmware 2.52
DWL2100AP-v252na-rc574.zip (1.67 MB)Download.

Firmware 2.50
DWL2100AP-v250eu-rc358.tfp (1.69 MB)Download.