Link'n Print Utility v1.23 (Windows).zip (9.65 MB) | Download. |
Link'n Print Utility v1.19 (MacOS).zip (2.17 MB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B.T1 CD Setup Wizard for FW-AU (31.93 MB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B.T1 CD Setup Wizard for FW-AU (31.92 MB) | Download. |
Why cant I log into my modem.pdf (609.02 KB) | Download. |
What to do if I am having problems staying connected to WiFi.pdf (427.24 KB) | Download. |
What is the button on the side of my router used for.pdf (331.53 KB) | Download. |
What is my Wireless Password.pdf (846.08 KB) | Download. |
My modems ADSL Light is NOT ON.pdf (446.14 KB) | Download. |
IPTV Setup on DSL-2740B-Rev.F and DSL-2750B-Rev.B.pdf (5.9 MB) | Download. |
How to setup IPTV on DSL-2740B hardware version F1.pdf (4.48 MB) | Download. |
How to Enable Wireless Security.pdf (641.12 KB) | Download. |
How to Enable MAC Filtering.pdf (818.76 KB) | Download. |
How to Configure Port Forwarding.pdf (1.09 MB) | Download. |
How to configure DHCP Reservation.pdf (888.96 KB) | Download. |
How do I update firmware in my modem.pdf (869.21 KB) | Download. |
How do I setup Time and Date in my modem.pdf (539.68 KB) | Download. |
How do I setup parental control in my modem.pdf (690.18 KB) | Download. |
How do I refresh Wi-Fi connection on my computer.pdf (1.14 MB) | Download. |
How do I enable remote management.pdf (577.04 KB) | Download. |
How do I enable or disable wireless in my modem.pdf (652.96 KB) | Download. |
How do I connect my PC to a wireless network.pdf (1.15 MB) | Download. |
How do I connect my Apple iPhone iPad to my wireless network.pdf (821.91 KB) | Download. |
How do I connect my Android device to my wireless network.pdf (639.39 KB) | Download. |
How do I configure my modem using Setup Disk.pdf (1.07 MB) | Download. |
How do I change my Wi-Fi Channel to avoid interference.pdf (659.75 KB) | Download. |
How do I change ADSL Username or Password settings in my modem.pdf (1.58 MB) | Download. |
How do I access USB drive shared by the router.pdf (1002.44 KB) | Download. |
How do I access my modems configuration pages.pdf (690.82 KB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B T1 QSG v.1.00(AU).pdf (634.08 KB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B T1 EWAN-NBN-UFB Setup Guide v.1.00(AU).pdf (773.25 KB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B Screenshots 3.08.pdf (3.71 MB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B T1 QIG v2.00(AU).pdf (110.68 KB) | Download. |
Firmware AU 3.08 (25-03-2015)
DSL-2750B.T1 Release Notes==========================**********************NOTE: A Factory Reset must be performed after upgrade in order for the new firmware to take effect**********************Firmware: AU_3.08Date: 25/03/2015H/W: T1Bug Fixes:1. Fix Logs2. Fix IPv6 Access Controls3. Enable HTTP Remote Access to be disabled after it has previously been enabled4. Adjust values for RADVD
DSL-2750B.T1 Firmware AU 3.08 25032015.bin (6.44 MB) | Download. |
Firmware AU 3.06 (28-10-2014)
DSL-2750B.T1 Release Notes==========================**********************NOTE: A Factory Reset must be performed after upgrade in order for the new firmware to take effect**********************Firmware: AU_3.06Date: 28/10/2014H/W: T1Bug Fixes:1. Increase Web UI timeout to 180secs by default2. Fix SSH loginKnown Issues:1. IPv6, Logs and Backup Settings are not working
DSL-2750B.T1 Firmware AU 3.06 (6.43 MB) | Download. |
Firmware AU 3.05 (18-07-2014)
DSL-2750B.T1 Release Notes==========================**********************NOTE: A Factory Reset must be performed after upgrade in order for the new firmware to take effect**********************Firmware: AU_3.05Date: 18/07/2014H/W: T11. Resolves Vulnerability/Exploit from CSRF
DSl-2750B.T1 Firmware AU 3.05 (6.43 MB) | Download. |
Firmware AU 3.02 (11-12-2013)
DSL-2750B.T1 Release Notes==========================**********************NOTE: A Factory Reset must be performed after upgrade in order for the new firmware to take effect**********************Firmware: AU_3.02Date: 11/12/2013H/W: T11. Remove Inbound and Outbound filtering page, as its done via Port Forwarding page.
DSl-2750B.T1 Firmware AU 3.02 (6.48 MB) | Download. |
Firmware AU 3.01 (13-03-2013)
DSL-2750B.T1 Release Notes==========================**********************NOTE: A Factory Reset must be performed after upgrade in order for the new firmware to take effect**********************Firmware: AU_3.01Date: 13/03/2013H/W: T11. Fix compatibility issue with Link'n Print Utility
DSl-2750B.T1 Firmware AU 3.01 (6.48 MB) | Download. |
Firmware AU 3.00 (18-10-2012)
DSL-2750B.T1 Release Notes==========================Firmware: AU_3.00Date: 18/10/2012H/W: T1* Initial Release
DSl-2750B.T1 Firmware AU 3.00 (6.34 MB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B B1 Click n Connect (32.35 MB) | Download. |
D-Link SharePort Installer (v1.20) (Windows).zip (11.08 MB) | Download. |
D-Link SharePort Installer (v1.15) (MacOS).zip (2.16 MB) | Download. |
IPTV Setup on DSL-2740B-Rev.F and DSL-2750B-Rev.B.pdf (5.9 MB) | Download. |
How to update the firmware.pdf (731.76 KB) | Download. |
How to Enable Wireless Security.pdf (641.12 KB) | Download. |
How to Enable Web Filtering.pdf (518.68 KB) | Download. |
How to Enable MAC Filtering.pdf (818.76 KB) | Download. |
How to Configure Port Forwarding.pdf (1.09 MB) | Download. |
How to configure DHCP Reservation.pdf (888.96 KB) | Download. |
No ScreenCaptures Available.pdf (22.91 KB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B B1 QIG v1.00(AU).pdf (107.51 KB) | Download. |
DSL-2750B.B1 Release Notes==========================**********************NOTE: A Factory Reset must be performed after upgrade in order for the new firmware to take effect**********************v2.07 (08-10-2012)Bug Fixes* ADSL2+ Sync issues in New Zealand, compatibility improved* Files Copied to USB Disk (EXT2/EXT3/EXT4 file system) through SAMBA File Server Are Missing After Reboot* Budget Quota Lock Mechanism Will be Release Once WAN Interface is Reconnected* IPv6 Configuration Page Link Missing over IE9 Issue* Router still using Ethernet to forward packet although the WAN mode is changed to PPPoEv6* Cannot Display Long iPhone Name with Symbol* When WAN is not connected the USB SAMBA device is inaccessible* Cannot Allocate USB Disk File System Partition Size* WAN port connection type display error info* Access service port 80 still open after change it to 8080 resolved* Allow editing Parental Control Web Site Blocking URL / Key Word Once It is Created* Changed WAN HTTP Service from 80 to 8080-------------------------------------------------------------v2.05 (03-08-2012)Bug Fixes* Wireless stability when using WPS* SAMBA access to USB port-------------------------------------------------------------v2.03 (28-06-2012)Bug Fixes* "All of available PVCs are already in use" issue with multiple PVcs resolved* Parental Control now works via LAN and WLAN* Keyword filtering now supported by Parental Controls* Budget Quota* Multicast IPTV streams now clearer over Wireless connection* Unknown Wireless QoS Configuration issue resolved* DSL Sync speed improved* Shows incorrect PVC for DNS Query* Cannot disable PPTP passthrough feature* Port forwarding mechanism and DHCP IP Ranage issueNew Features:* Enable IPV6 function* IPV6 Firewall and Routing rule page* Change WAN create GUI* Include the IPv6 WAN GUI* Include the IPv6 WAN status and routing status page* Include the ping test page* Change the NAT table sessions to 4032* Enable the ETH WAN feature (for NBN customers)* Budget Quota page* Add ALG options under DMZ page-------------------------------------------------------------v2.01 (01-03-2012)Bug Fixes* IGMP Snooping/Standard mode fixed when WAN is in Bridge Mode* IPTV/Multicasting can now be used when creating a new WAN Interface* Fixed UI not accessible when disabling all service in multiple WAN mode* Fix for x.x.x.1 IP Address Range in DHCP Server* Fix DMZ IP Range Error when router IP not x.x.x.1* Fix "Reboot router" button not working when adding same VPI/VCI* Allow DNS settings to be changed manually* Allow user to edit PPPoE WAN over Eth after it has been configured* Allow user to add group on port mapping page * Fix to allow Guest wireless to be enabled* Fix Page error on IE* The password of Samba file server user profile cannot contain "~!@#" characters* Fix to allow user to deactivate USB partition* Fix to allow the FTP server to work after chaging the port* Fix for USB LED behaviour when user clicks "Safely remove device"Known Bugs* Keyword filtering has not been implemented into this release, coming soon.* When a Quota is setup and exceeded during the allotted time period nothing happens.* Multicast IPTV streams will be heavily covered with artefacts when using Wireless to receive stream.-------------------------------------------------------------v2.00 (28-12-2011)Bug Fixes/New Features* Enable IPV6 function* IPV6 Firewall and Routing rule page* Add the ETH WAN feature* Change WAN creatation pages to incorporate Eth WAN feature* Include the IPV6 WAN GUI* Include the IPV6 WAN status and routing status page* Add the Maintenance > Ping page* Change the maximum NAT sessions to 4032* Add ping test page* Add Budget Quota pageKnown Bugs* Keyword filtering has not been implemented into this release, coming soon.* When a Quota is setup and exceeded during the allotted time period nothing happens.* Quota does not allow ETH WAN option as an Interface.-------------------------------------------------------------v1.00* Initial Release
Firmware v2.07 (08-10-2012)
DSL2750B B1 AU 2.07 10082012.bin (6.34 MB) | Download. |
Firmware v2.05 (03-08-2012)
DSL2750B B1 AU 2.05 08032012.bin (6.3 MB) | Download. |
Firmware v2.03 (28-06-2012)
DSL2750B B1 AU 2.03 06282012.bin (6.3 MB) | Download. |
Firmware v2.01 (01-03-2012)
DSL2750B B1 AU 2.01 03012012.bin (6.27 MB) | Download. |
Firmware v2.00 (28-12-2011)
DSL2750B B1 AU 2.00 12282011.bin (6.26 MB) | Download. |
Firmware v1.00 (23-06-2011)
DSL2750B B1 AU 1.00 06232011.bin (6.16 MB) | Download. |