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No SNMP Available.pdf (22.99 KB)Download.

No SetupGuides Available.pdf (23.05 KB)Download.

No ScreenCaptures Available.pdf (22.91 KB)Download.

DIR-615 E4 QIG v5.00(I).pdf (553.17 KB)Download.

DIR-615 E4 Manual v5.3(I).pdf (8.34 MB)Download.

Firmware 5.11B0029
DIR615E4 FW511B0029.bin (3.38 MB)Download.

No Drivers Required.pdf (22.6 KB)Download.

No SNMP Available.pdf (22.99 KB)Download.

No SetupGuides Available.pdf (23.05 KB)Download.

No ScreenCaptures Available.pdf (22.91 KB)Download.

DIR-615 C2 QIG 2.00.pdf (3.22 MB)Download.

DIR-615 C2 Manual v3.10.pdf (8.72 MB)Download.


DIR-615 Firmware Release Notes


- Fix SIP communication issue



- Add Tomizone Hotspot feature



Problems Resolved:
1.Fix IOT concern with Intel 4965AGN.
2.Fix DHCP reservation issues.

1.Add IPv6 support page.

Tomizone 1.0.0 Firmware 3.01
DIR-615 3.01-tomizone-1.0.0.bin (3.69 MB)Download.

Firmware 3.03B07
DIR615 FW303B07.zip (3.32 MB)Download.

No Drivers Required.pdf (22.6 KB)Download.

No SNMP Available.pdf (22.99 KB)Download.

How to enable Wireless Security on DIR-xxx.pdf (1.16 MB)Download.

How to access web configuration page on DIR-xxx.pdf (1.97 MB)Download.

DIR-Xbox Live Setup Guide.pdf (2.31 MB)Download.

DIR-615 screen shots fw 2.22b00.pdf (16.74 MB)Download.

DIR-615 B2 QIG v1.10.pdf (5.12 MB)Download.

DIR-615 B2 Manual v2.20.pdf (5.34 MB)Download.


DIR-615 Rev B Firmware Release Notes

v 2.25

1. Added QoS Engine
2. Added PPTP and IPSec ALG Support
3. Added SIP and RTSP ALG Support
4. Enhanced DHCP WAN Interoperability

V 2.22, 2007/09/11
1. Fix ZIPB/halfbridge mode issue.
2. New firmware version query and download scheme.
3. Fix LAN port numbering bug in XML-Agent.

v 2.21, Build 02 patch 1

1. Fix ZIP-B ARP Issue with DSL-502T GenII Modems
2. Modify default idle timeout value of pppoe/l2tp/pptp to 5 minutes
3. RTS Threshold default value from 1..2347 to 0..2347
4. Fix FIREWALL SETTINGS -> DMZ HOST computer name is too long, format will change
5. 'Enable Multcast Streams' default value to disable
6. Fix: cannot block url/domain in web filter, keyword like 'yahoo' 'pchome' 'google'
7. Fix: Reserve DHCP Client function fail when use 'Edit' function (Not Need reboot router)
8. Fix: PPPOE with MS CHAP, if challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol use wrong (unexpected) data, router will crash
9. Schedule rule cannot be deleted or rename when wireless schedule in use
10. Fix: daylight saving - popup message 'DST end month must be different than DST start month'
11. Remove Advanced->Firewall Settings->ALG help
12. Inbound Filter more check illegal ip address, such as 127.x.x.x, 224.x.x.x~239.x.x.x
13. Reboot Need if Enable <-> Disable DMZ function
14. Access Control, Policy Name show incorrectly, if name contain '<' '>'
15. Access Control, Step 3, if IP address and MAC are same Machine, popup warning.
16. Fix Time: Current Router Time, add daylight saving offset if daylight saving enable and into day light saving date
17. Fix Time: Daylight Saving Dates add 6th week
18. QoS Engine, remote ip address check illegal ip address, such as 127.x.x.x, 224.x.x.x~239.x.x.x
19. Status->Device Info: Fix: QoS Engine status, determine by Traffic Shaping Status
20. RTS Threshold default value from 0..2347 to 1..2347
21. PPPOE/L2TP/PPTP Manual Mode, 'Idle Time' field to gray. (and value set to 0)
22. Fix: Router will reboot if WPS with unconfige mode and add new station
23. For Vista logo fix
24. Add Wireless Device with WPS -> Choose Manual and press Next, if security mode is WEP, 'key in Use' cannot show which key in used
25. WMM/WISH problem in the FTP Server resolved
26. Support 802.11d

v2.20, Build 05

- Initial Prodcut Release Firwmare

Firmware v2.25
dir615 revB firmware 225.bin (1.06 MB)Download.

No Drivers Required.pdf (22.6 KB)Download.