DIR-615 Rev B Firmware Release Notesv 2.251. Added QoS Engine2. Added PPTP and IPSec ALG Support3. Added SIP and RTSP ALG Support4. Enhanced DHCP WAN InteroperabilityV 2.22, 2007/09/111. Fix ZIPB/halfbridge mode issue.2. New firmware version query and download scheme.3. Fix LAN port numbering bug in XML-Agent.v 2.21, Build 02 patch 11. Fix ZIP-B ARP Issue with DSL-502T GenII Modems2. Modify default idle timeout value of pppoe/l2tp/pptp to 5 minutes3. RTS Threshold default value from 1..2347 to 0..23474. Fix FIREWALL SETTINGS -> DMZ HOST computer name is too long, format will change5. 'Enable Multcast Streams' default value to disable6. Fix: cannot block url/domain in web filter, keyword like 'yahoo' 'pchome' 'google'7. Fix: Reserve DHCP Client function fail when use 'Edit' function (Not Need reboot router)8. Fix: PPPOE with MS CHAP, if challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol use wrong (unexpected) data, router will crash9. Schedule rule cannot be deleted or rename when wireless schedule in use10. Fix: daylight saving - popup message 'DST end month must be different than DST start month'11. Remove Advanced->Firewall Settings->ALG help12. Inbound Filter more check illegal ip address, such as 127.x.x.x, 224.x.x.x~239.x.x.x13. Reboot Need if Enable <-> Disable DMZ function14. Access Control, Policy Name show incorrectly, if name contain '<' '>'15. Access Control, Step 3, if IP address and MAC are same Machine, popup warning.16. Fix Time: Current Router Time, add daylight saving offset if daylight saving enable and into day light saving date17. Fix Time: Daylight Saving Dates add 6th week18. QoS Engine, remote ip address check illegal ip address, such as 127.x.x.x, 224.x.x.x~239.x.x.x19. Status->Device Info: Fix: QoS Engine status, determine by Traffic Shaping Status 20. RTS Threshold default value from 0..2347 to 1..234721. PPPOE/L2TP/PPTP Manual Mode, 'Idle Time' field to gray. (and value set to 0) 22. Fix: Router will reboot if WPS with unconfige mode and add new station23. For Vista logo fix24. Add Wireless Device with WPS -> Choose Manual and press Next, if security mode is WEP, 'key in Use' cannot show which key in used25. WMM/WISH problem in the FTP Server resolved26. Support 802.11dv2.20, Build 05- Initial Prodcut Release Firwmare