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Download direct: https://files.dlink.com.au/products/DSL-2740B
DSL-2740B F1 Click n Connect (34.24 MB)Download.

No SNMP Available.pdf (22.99 KB)Download.

Why cant I log into my modem.pdf (609.02 KB)Download.

What to do if I am having problems staying connected to WiFi.pdf (427.24 KB)Download.

What is the button on the side of my router used for.pdf (331.53 KB)Download.

What is my Wireless Password.pdf (846.08 KB)Download.

My modems ADSL Light is NOT ON.pdf (446.14 KB)Download.

IPTV Setup on DSL-2740B-Rev.F and DSL-2750B-Rev.B.pdf (5.9 MB)Download.

How to setup IPTV on DSL-2740B hardware version F1.pdf (4.48 MB)Download.

How to Enable Wireless Security.pdf (641.12 KB)Download.

How to Enable MAC Filtering.pdf (818.76 KB)Download.

How to Configure Port Forwarding.pdf (1.09 MB)Download.

How to configure DHCP Reservation.pdf (888.96 KB)Download.

How do I update firmware in my modem.pdf (869.21 KB)Download.

How do I setup Time and Date in my modem.pdf (539.68 KB)Download.

How do I setup parental control in my modem.pdf (690.18 KB)Download.

How do I refresh Wi-Fi connection on my computer.pdf (1.14 MB)Download.

How do I enable remote management.pdf (577.04 KB)Download.

How do I enable or disable wireless in my modem.pdf (652.96 KB)Download.

How do I connect my PC to a wireless network.pdf (1.15 MB)Download.

How do I connect my Apple iPhone iPad to my wireless network.pdf (821.91 KB)Download.

How do I connect my Android device to my wireless network.pdf (639.39 KB)Download.

How do I configure my modem using Setup Disk.pdf (1.07 MB)Download.

How do I change my Wi-Fi Channel to avoid interference.pdf (659.75 KB)Download.

How do I change ADSL Username or Password settings in my modem.pdf (1.58 MB)Download.

How do I access my modems configuration pages.pdf (690.82 KB)Download.

No ScreenCaptures Available.pdf (22.91 KB)Download.

DSL-2740B F1 QIG v2.00.pdf (103.05 KB)Download.


DSL-2740BR Release Notes


NOTE: A Factory Reset must be performed after upgrade in order for the new firmware to take effect


v2.07 (08-10-2012)

Bug Fixes

* ADSL2+ Sync issues in New Zealand, compatibility improved
* Budget Quota Lock Mechanism Will be Release Once WAN Interface is Reconnected
* IPv6 Configuration Page Link Missing over IE9 Issue
* Router still using Ethernet to forward packet although the WAN mode is changed to PPPoEv6
* Cannot Display Long iPhone Name with Symbol
* WAN port connection type display error info
* Access service port 80 still open after change it to 8080 resolved
* Allow editing Parental Control Web Site Blocking URL / Key Word Once It is Created
* Changed WAN HTTP Service from 80 to 8080

v2.04 (27-07-2012)

Bug Fixes

* Fix Wireless stability when using WPS

v2.03 (28-06-2012)

Bug Fixes

* "All of available PVCs are already in use" issue with multiple PVcs resolved
* Parental Control now works via LAN and WLAN
* Keyword filtering now supported by Parental Controls
* Budget Quota
* Multicast IPTV streams now clearer over Wireless connection
* Unknown Wireless QoS Configuration issue resolved
* DSL Sync speed improved
* Shows incorrect PVC for DNS Query
* Cannot disable PPTP passthrough feature
* Port forwarding mechanism and DHCP IP Ranage issue

New Features:
* Enable IPV6 function
* IPV6 Firewall and Routing rule page
* Change WAN create GUI
* Include the IPv6 WAN GUI
* Include the IPv6 WAN status and routing status page
* Include the ping test page
* Change the NAT table sessions to 4032
* Enable the ETH WAN feature
* Budget Quota page
* Add ALG options under DMZ page

v2.01 (08-03-2012)


* IGMP Snooping/Standard mode fixed when WAN is in Bridge Mode
* IPTV/Multicasting can now be used when creating a new WAN Interface
* Fixed UI not accessible when disabling all service in multiple WAN mode
* Fix for x.x.x.1 IP Address Range in DHCP Server
* Fix DMZ IP Range Error when router IP not x.x.x.1
* Fix "Reboot router" button not working when adding same VPI/VCI
* Allow DNS settings to be changed manually
* Allow user to edit PPPoE WAN over Eth after it has been configured
* Allow user to add group on port mapping page
* Fix to allow Guest wireless to be enabled
* Fix Page error on IE

Known Issues:

* Keyword filtering has not been implemented into this release, coming soon.
* When a Quota is setup and exceeded during the allotted time period nothing happens.
* Multicast IPTV streams will be heavily covered with artefacts when using Wireless to receive stream.

v2.00 (13-10-2011)

Bug Fixes/New Features

* Enable IPV6 function
* IPV6 Firewall and Routing rule page
* Add the ETH WAN feature
* Change WAN creatation pages to incorporate Eth WAN feature
* Include the IPV6 WAN GUI
* Include the IPV6 WAN status and routing status page
* Add the Maintenance > Ping page
* Change the maximum NAT sessions to 4032

Known Bugs

* Keyword filtering has not been implemented into this release, coming soon.
* When a Quota is setup and exceeded during the allotted time period nothing happens.
* Quota does not allow ETH WAN option as an Interface.


* Initial Release

Firmware v2.07 (08-10-2012)
DSL2740B F1 AU 2.07 10082012.bin (5.3 MB)Download.

Firmware v2.04 (26-07-2012)
DSL2740B F1 AU 2.04 07262012.bin (6.11 MB)Download.

No Drivers Required.pdf (22.6 KB)Download.


DSL-2740B D-Link Click'n Connect Utility
Release Notes


- Compatible with Windows Vista


- Intial Release

DSL-2740B D-Link Click'n Connect v1.32.zip (30.29 MB)Download.

No SNMP Available.pdf (22.99 KB)Download.

How to secure wireless network.pdf (223.26 KB)Download.

How to open ports.pdf (340.3 KB)Download.

DSL-2740B IPTV Support.pdf (9.97 MB)Download.

DSL-2740B screenshots 1.19.pdf (7.76 MB)Download.

DSL-2740B Click-n-Connect CD 1.31.pdf (629.98 KB)Download.

DSL-2740B Screenshots fw 2.18.pdf (4.35 MB)Download.

DSL-2740B C3 QIG 1.00.pdf (1.16 MB)Download.

Firmware v4.15b363
AUS DSL-2740B 4.15b363.bin (3.58 MB)Download.

No Drivers Required.pdf (22.6 KB)Download.


DSL-2740B D-Link Click'n Connect Utility
Release Notes


- Compatible with Windows Vista


- Intial Release

DSL-2740B D-Link Click'n Connect v1.32.zip (30.29 MB)Download.

No SNMP Available.pdf (22.99 KB)Download.

How to secure wireless network.pdf (223.26 KB)Download.

How to open ports.pdf (340.3 KB)Download.

DSL-2740B IPTV Support.pdf (9.97 MB)Download.

DSL-2740B screenshots 1.19.pdf (7.76 MB)Download.

DSL-2740B Click-n-Connect CD 1.31.pdf (629.98 KB)Download.

DSL-2740B Screenshots fw 2.18.pdf (4.35 MB)Download.

DSL-2740B C2 QIG 2.00.pdf (1.42 MB)Download.


DSL-2740B Release Notes


1. Fix the problem of Ad-Hoc with the Wireless issue


1. enhanced UPnP function to support the "Back To My Mac" Service
2. When try to add more then 16 schedules, the add button will give the alert message instead of error as maximum entries is 16
3. When try to add more then 30 "Block Website" entries, the add button will give the alert message instead of error as maximum entries is 30.
4. When try to add more then 32 Port Triggering, the add button will give the alert message instead of error as maximum entries is 32


1. Fix the option to disable NAT.


1. Fix Remote login with "admin", "support", and "user" from WAN side with HTTP and Telnet.
2. Default
MTU values changed to: PPPoE - 1500, PPPoA - 1492.


1. While doing the Auto Connect and it detects the VPI and PCI it takes you to the connection type page and is defaulted to Bridging. Now it is defaulted to PPPoE.


1. Fixed: Enabled ICMP service on WAN by default.
2. Set default VPI to 8.
3. Set default protocol to PPPoE, and NAT/FIREWALL to be enabled by default.
4. Enable the SPI feature by default.
5. Enable the Annex M option and SRA by default.
6. Fixed: UPnP disabling causes system hang bug:
While WAN is connected, if user disables the UPnP, system will hang.
7. Add alert in Tools/ACCESS IP:
a) When enabling, system will ask user to confirm if local PC's IP not in the list.

b) When removing, system will ask user to confirm if local PC's IP is in the remove list.


1. Fixed remote service port changed when port conflicts with virtual server port.
2. Change default "tr69cConnReqURL","tr69cKickURL" to blank.


1. Change URL FILTER to be OFF by default.
2. Fixed URL FILTER bug.
3. Fixed Internet LED in MER dynamic IP connection when DHCP lease time expires.
4. Fixed bug: 2 default gateway's existed when default gateway changed manually.


- Initial Release

Firmware 2.34b424 WEB
AUS DSL-2740B 2.34b424.bin (3.73 MB)Download.

No Drivers Required.pdf (22.6 KB)Download.